Nishail Edroos

Nishail Edroos is an intuitive healer, clairvoyant and medium. She is on a journey to spread the energy of love, through her sacred healings, readings, rituals, holistic self care and nutrition.

  /    /  Pregnancy Support

Pregnancy Support

The benefits of energy healing during pregnancy are unparalleled.  To bring an unborn child into our universe is one of the most profound, life-altering experiences a woman can have. Yet so many women face pent-up stress, and unresolved fears as well as the mental, emotional, and physical changes that can come with carrying a pregnancy to full term.

In the months following conception, pregnancy can bring in symptoms of food aversions, nausea, morning sickness, and exhaustion topped with a dose of mood swings and emotional instability. I have seen women deal with guilt of not connecting with their child, shame from the changes in the body, fear of not carrying to full-term, and anxiety over the most mundane details. Unfortunately, these sentiments can continue post-natal as well, robbing you of the joys of motherhood.

Prenatal energy healing sessions allow you to shift focus instead toward the art of creation.  You start trusting your innate divinity.  It brings you back to a higher frequency of balance within and a deeper state of relaxation, putting you back in the driver’s seat and allowing you to savor the journey through pregnancy. These healing sessions help create a stronger connection between mother and child.  When you receive the healing, so does the baby in vitro.  Since unborn babies are known to feel all the emotions of the mother, these healing sessions can help soothe, calm, and relax your baby too.

Energy healing sessions during pregnancy can alleviate an array of physical symptoms associated with pregnancy, such as:

  • Nausea & morning sickness 
  • Irritability & moodiness
  • High blood pressure
  • Changes in appetite
  • Lower back & joint pain
  • Severe exhaustion
  • Muscle pain & cramps
  • Anxiety & Stress
  • Hormonal Imbalance


Women are a portal between the spiritual realm and the physical realm.
For centuries, in ancient civilizations, women have been revered as the gatekeepers of life.
Specifically designed by the creator as a vessel, the female body is a powerful generator of
energy, programmed to bring unborn spirits onto this planet.

