Quantum Reiki is a combination of reiki energy healing and quantum consciousness theory. By diving deep into the subconscious mind and identifying trapped traumas, it is then released and healed. Life Force Energy or “Chi” is channeled to the body of the receiver, to accelerate the natural healing capacity of the body. Anxiety and stress can be released and replaced by a feeling of deep relaxation and rejuvenation.
The universe we live in has multiple dimensions. Our consciousness is the portal to the multiple dimensions of this universe. Many dimensional frequencies generate other dimensional realities. In these dimensional realities, there are other evolved beings of light ready to help …bringing in divine order within ourselves.
Release trauma through space and time
Throughout an individual’s lifetime, certain life-changing experiences can traumatize a person, especially when it happens during childhood. Early childhood trauma occurs typically during the ages of 0-5, however, trauma comes in many forms and can happen at any age.
Even the effects of mild trauma can be so disruptive that it gets etched in our bodies on a cellular level. The effects of this post-traumatic stress deplete our emotional state and dictate how we live, to a point where if we don’t seek healing we sadly become numb and closed off. It is human nature to live and loop in our “story” causing us to keep repeating patterns that can lead to stress in our everyday life and relationships.
This powerful energy healing can bring your deepest traumas to the surface, help you accept them, and release them from your body.
Allow me to facilitate this Shift In Consciousness.
Give yourself the permission to heal.